Discover Our Island Shores DVD by Florian Graner


This is the latest version of our Discover-Series. The aim of this 40 Minute short video is to bring a lively and engaging narrative of the underwater life of the Salish Sea to the classrooms of grades 3 through 6. This educational video is designed to tap directly into the Washington State biology curriculum.

The video includes genuine and high quality footage from the Salish Sea. The encounters with the animals are real and close-up and very enticing this way and gave way to build the movie so that the narration actually comes from a small harbor seal literally “talking” to the camera. This seal takes the audience by the “flipper” and leads through the various habitats such as Kelp Forest, Eel Grass Meadows, Estuaries, the Deep Zones introducing concepts like the Ocean Food Chain and the Food Web, and the importance of those habitats for its own survival and well being (harbor seals) and the animals it is interacting with. The video produces a very holistic picture of the Salish Sea providing a real idea to the children (and viewers in general) of what the life and scenery under the surface in this area looks like and how it all functions. The high quality of the video content filmed with the latest 6K cameras, aerial drones and cineflex equipped helicopters also helps to capture the audience so that the attention to the images and hence the messages really is almost guaranteed.

The idea of this movie is to create understanding and compassion for the environment, which is so important to this region, while learning basic biological concepts. Florian’s daughter performs the narration of the seal!

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