Whale Sighting Alerts Subscription
The purpose of Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network and Education Project is to encourage observation, increase awareness and knowledge of, and connect people to the whales and other marine mammals of the Pacific Northwest. We are especially concerned with the critically endangered Southern Resident Community of orcas (J, K and L pods), to foster a stewardship ethic, and motivate a diverse audience to take action to protect and restore these orcas' critical habitat.
Real/near real-time call/text alerts create opportunities for people to observe whales in their natural habitat and contribute to Community Science by reporting back to Orca Network. Our data is collated and disseminated to help in conservation efforts.
Please review the zones map below before proceeding. By default you will receive alerts based on your location. You can also choose other zones or all WA zones. These can be modified at anytime.
A receipt is auto generated. Separately, once we’ve fulfilled your sub, look for an email from staff more information about your alerts and ways to report your whale sightings. You may need to check your junk/spam folder.
Generally, when we have reports of orcas in the inland Washington State waterways of the southern Salish Sea we will issue alerts. Baleen whale alerts vary, but are initiated, especially during gray whale time.
Alerts can average 3-4 any given day, and easily number 6+ alerts during busy whale days. You can expect there will be days/weeks with zero alerts for your zone.
Please note order fulfillment can take up to two weeks as contacts have to be entered manually into our alert system. You will receive an email from Orca Network staff when you have been added to our contacts.
Whale Sighting Alerts Subscription
The purpose of Orca Network's Whale Sighting Network and Education Project is to encourage observation, increase awareness and knowledge of, and connect people to the whales and other marine mammals of the Pacific Northwest. We are especially concerned with the critically endangered Southern Resident Community of orcas (J, K and L pods), to foster a stewardship ethic, and motivate a diverse audience to take action to protect and restore these orcas' critical habitat.
Real/near real-time call/text alerts create opportunities for people to observe whales in their natural habitat and contribute to Community Science by reporting back to Orca Network. Our data is collated and disseminated to help in conservation efforts.
Please review the zones map below before proceeding. By default you will receive alerts based on your location. You can also choose other zones or all WA zones. These can be modified at anytime.
A receipt is auto generated. Separately, once we’ve fulfilled your sub, look for an email from staff more information about your alerts and ways to report your whale sightings. You may need to check your junk/spam folder.
Generally, when we have reports of orcas in the inland Washington State waterways of the southern Salish Sea we will issue alerts. Baleen whale alerts vary, but are initiated, especially during gray whale time.
Alerts can average 3-4 any given day, and easily number 6+ alerts during busy whale days. You can expect there will be days/weeks with zero alerts for your zone.
Please note order fulfillment can take up to two weeks as contacts have to be entered manually into our alert system. You will receive an email from Orca Network staff when you have been added to our contacts.